Sunday, January 11, 2009

Mixed bag

Work has ramped up after the holidays. I've even managed to do some field work in between the winter weather. Winter field work isn't as bad as summer field work. It just takes a lot more preparation and clothing. Moving around and writing takes significantly longer. The good news is that the multiple layers of clothing makes any thorns a non-issue.
Here's some scenes of my latest outdoor adventures. Not pictured is the large amount of feral cats at this site. The cats seemed to relatively happy considering the situation and the cold temps. The site was next to a senior center so I'm sure they are getting their bellies full from the blue hairs living in it.

After the latest snow, I ventured out to check out turtle mecca. It suprised me that it still smelled like a swamp. Gotta love that swamp gas. Santa gave me a kick ass mammal tracks book and I'd like to learn how to track critters. Unfort I couldn't make out any real details on these tracks. Better luck next time.


Colleen said...

The cats are eating the blue hairs? Awesome! Recycling of humans. BACK TO NATURE

Hooligan said...

Those are some interesting boxcars, did you get a chance to investigate them?

Jules said...

That first train picture is awesome!

JDizzle said...

Hey, do you ever see Fuzzy Lady Slipper orchids when you are out in the woods? i used to see them as a kid but hear they are becoming more and more rare. Just curious.

suntawrites said...

The photos are so interesting, Kartek - I do appreciate how cats can sustain anything --- they do not get enough credit for their tenacity.

Kartek said...

I've seen pink lady's slipper once down in south jersey. I think it's suffering the same fate as many other native plants. They devoured by deer and all that's left are exotic plants the deer hate.