Thursday, September 4, 2008

Please direct the 'cane over here please!

Not sure if the local peeps have noticed, but we need rain like something fierce. Leaves are changing color, wilting, and falling over and it's not fall yet. The soil is powder, which makes work real hard. Plus summer has been back with a vengence. It's hot and humid. I could see people's breaths this morning as they talked and it's not because it's very cold out.

Late summer flowers are out. Here's white wood aster, which has been more increasingly rare.

Here's some goldenrod. It's not ragweed contrary to my mother says. She singlehandedly removed all goldenrod from their yard and surrounding area, because my mother was convinced it was some sort of allergy weed. It's not! Poor goldenrod!


Hooligan said...

Speaking of you're mother, I have to go to Kings and then sit on the floor like you know who!

suntawrites said...

Great photographs!